Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Hhmm, i'm supposed to review my work but i just couldn't look at the paper anymore ....
It's so tiring, so de-motivating now ....

I feel like a tyre that has been rolling on the highway at a high speed since 2 months ago ....
Now, 开始漏风了 .... Don't feel like rolling anymore ....
Just want to stop by the emergency lane like that ....
Just like that ...


anechoic said...

stop by petrol station pump air..haha

Su said...

by all means just slow down, stop n ask for help, there's no harm doing so ... i believe the emergency lane is there for a reason .. chill out =)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

take a break, have a kit kat ....
look forward to our 'adventure' in september...
think of the fun we'll have...
and the hard time will pass faster! gan ba teh!