Sunday, November 26, 2006


An hour ago, I finally finished this Japanese Drama which was introduced to me a while ago... And once a while, it feels good to let the tears flow freely... It has been a while...

This is how I feel when I finished this drama, a true story...

People tend to neglect the things that they are able to do... Even the smallest thing such as walking, talking, playing...

People tend to procrastinate because there are still another tomorrow...

When something bad happen to us, we tend to feel we are the most unlucky and sad person in the world.

Well, I really appreciate what I have now... I'm lucky although there are some situations that are difficult and it feels like the situtation is hopeless and seems like there is no end to it... There will be always 2 side of the story.... As u all always hear people say, it will depend on how u look at the situation... Whether the glass in half empty or half full...

I'm thankful to have a house to live in and have good food to eat...
I'm thankful to be able to live with my parents and brother...
I'm thankful to have a job with good pay and good future...
I'm thankful to have a group of friends whom I really care about...

I really really appreciate what I have now.... If you all discover that I forget about this, please knock my head....


Anonymous said...

是的. 我們常常忽略了許多人、事、物... 幸福絕對不是必然的, 所以你要對我好一點....這個月的家用呢?


cy said...

Errr... 应该是我问你拿吧...