Sunday, May 05, 2013


This blog really starts to collect dust ! Put that aside, i feel i should document this down ... 

Today is a special day.  A day where you can see a lot of blue fingers on your Facebook.  A day where people claim to see 'ghost' on broad daylight.       

Well, today is D-day.  The day where the Rakyat decides the future of the country.  The day where the current government receive their report cards for the past 5 years. 

Few years back, i didn't remember we had this kind of atmosphere.  It's just another day where most of the youngster were not involved.  But, now ... it's so different.  People lining up early morning to fulfill their responsibility.  Friends who were passionate about this even lend their hand to ensure the process runs smoothly.  Interesting video parody, creative advertisements and slogans.  Even the newbies in my company were so excited to cast their first vote in their life ...  

Well, I've done my part.  Let's see the outcome tonight.  This would be really an interesting night.