好闷得一个晚上.... 静静的办公室都已经没人了... 呆呆的我对这电脑...
想不到要怎么样去解决哪个难题... 咳!!
突然间很想写起我的心情... 很想发泄... 如果有一个沙包在我面前有多好呢...
好闷... 好闷...好闷...好闷...好闷...好闷...好闷...
很想去玩... 很想永永远远的放假... 很想念海边... 很想看星星... 很想听海浪...
很想念那个早上坐在海边的日子... 那么的轻松... 那么的自在...
灵感来了... 不写了... :p
- 一个无聊得 entry -
As requested, the translation of the above:Such a boring night... There are nobody in the office anymore... I stared at the computer screen with a blank mind... I couldn't think of a solution to the problem... Haih... Suddenly, I felt like writing down my feeling.... I wished there is a sand bag in front of me now...
I'm bored... bored... bored... bored... bored.... bored....
I want to go for holidays... I want to be on holiday forever, for the rest of my life... I miss the beaches, I want to look at the stars... I want to listen to the wave... I miss the morning when I could just sit at the beach doing nothing for hours... So relaxing... So free...
Idea is coming now... I know the solution dy... Til now... Bye... :P
- a meaningless entry-
Kekeke.... There u go... My translation is kinda bad... But, it summarise my feeling yesterday nite...